Friday, 15 January 2010

good things come to those who wait.....

it seems it may be true.

It was our first 'stitch & bitch' session of the year we had a lot to catch up on, including the swapping of gifts. I was so excited by this wonderful gift Sarah had put together for me for Christmas. I've written before about how obsessed we are with the way things are packaged and this was a feast for the eyes.

Box 1 contained a rainbow of cotton reels that I shall never have the courage to use for fear of ruining.

Box 2 was a Pandora's Box of goodies including both stationery and sewing delights. Just look at this pile of buttons. And I'd just been complaining about how dull my button box was looking - not any more!

I hope at least some of you readers can appreciate how thrilling it is to receive a box of someone else's fabric scraps, bits of ribbon, threads and paper clips, butterflies and ladybirds. A gift like this can keep me going for weeks. It'll be a long while before I permanently remove everything from the box. I'll keep looking at it, taking the things out gently and then returning them to exactly the same place, refolding the tissue paper around everything. I've shown the children, I've shown hubby; in fact I've shown my little girl again and again (I think she's going to be like me).

And look at Sarah's crocheted flowers. An absolutely fantastic gift as they are far more successful than my own attempt at the same thing (below). We have both used the same instructions from Attic 24. But I've still not got the hang of this crochet lark and I've never been very good a following instructions, I'm far too impatient.

Anyway, I returned home feeling pleased as punch with my gift, to discover that the postman had been for the first time in ages. We had accumulated so much in the form of late birthday presents, Christmas Thank You letters, Amazon orders, seed catalogues etc that I couldn't actually open the front door. In fact as I write I should be at book club but our latest read only arrived in one of today's packages, along with the latest issue of Country Living.

Oh, I've a good weekend of reading and making ahead of me.


  1. Just got into bed and started reading said Country Living - guess who gets a mention in the Best of British article. A certain Sarah Hardaker.......

  2. What a fabulous post Jo :) I could not think of a more perfect gift either - I love it!! ENJOY your gorgeous new lovelies and all of your other 'good things'. I buy every issue of Country Living but we are always a month or two behind here in Australia, so I will have to keep an eye out. Have a lovely weekend- Tina :)

  3. OMG, I am sooooo jealous, I would be over the moon with a gift like that! Congrats to Sarah on her CL appearance x

  4. I want presents from you two! that box looks fabulous, and the new copy of country living is lying next to my bed, i must go find this entry :)x

  5. You may well get the chance, we're hoping to give readers the opportunity to win some Hardaker and Pope goodies to celebrate our 1st birthday. Watch this space.

  6. Such a beautiful gift, perfect start to spending another year in good company.

  7. Oh that box had me drooling, what a wonderful present :-)

  8. what a lovely parcel, lucky you xoxox
