Saturday, 24 October 2009

where the wild things are

Apologies to one and all for my absence of late. There simply haven't been enough hours in the day! I foolishly agreed to do a couple of autumn fairs - touting my wares, so my blogging time in the evening has been taken up frantically making cushions and doorstops..... anyway the last fair is done and so I am back!
Anyway I have been sadly neglectful of my lovely fellow bloggers so I will be paying a little visit to sam and jeska later on, however this morning I clicked on ohdedoh by mistake when trying to open a file, and I am so glad I did, because it really made me smile.

Last year Jo bought my little boy a copy of 'where the wild things are' for his birthday. It is one of his favourite books, and always gets a groan of 'not again' from his big sister when he chooses it for a bedtime story. Anyway ohdeedoh had a link from the impossibly titled who had run a competition to build a wild things den.
I couldn't resist posting some of the photos, especially as den building is such a favourite with Jo's and my kids, (and Jo and I if the truth be known!!)

Den building is such an underrated pastime, but as you can see from these fab photos the results can be stunning.

This one was the overall winner, and its made out of old palattes and string.

I love this picture it reminds me of my childhood (I think its the colours, the balloons and the bubbles - no I did not live in a circus!)

This one is my kids favourite, and my favourite is derfinately the first picture with the tissue paper flowers and bunting, I am now going to find our old wooden clothes maiden some eiderdowns and get building!!!


  1. Oh, I love this post! FUN! We were den building at the arboretum this week. V. nostalgic! Kath x.

  2. Oh what fun! Den building is a timeless activity enjoyed by every generation of children!


  3. And thank you for saying "maiden" ... it's so rare that I ever hear anyone refer to them as that!

  4. What fantastic dens - puts our 'sheet over the bunk beds' to shame. Such a brilliant idea for a competition - thanks for sharing! x

  5. makes me want to build one too!
