Wednesday, 4 March 2009

pressing flowers

This year's abundance of snow drops seems to be over but on our morning walk to school we have noticed the daffodils, violets, crocuses and primroses are now braving the early morning frosts. It brought to mind something I saw in an old copy of Country Living, where spring flowers had been pressed and used to decorate blown eggs. A perfect activity for the children. I rummaged through my 'craft cupboard' (a synonym for junk cupboard) and found my old flower press. It even had some daffodils and primroses in it, probably decades old, but I was able to get a step ahead of myself and decorated some eggs.

Meanwhile the children have been out in the garden picking Spring's early offerings and putting their goods in the flower press so they can decorate their own eggs in a couple of weeks time. Needless to say if the children are involved I will need at least twice the amount of required eggs!


  1. excellent eggs. beautiful photos. Bampy

  2. You are both super talented and make me feel like I want to be more creative!
    Well done to you both and keep the ideas coming. Thank you!
